CEE Bankwatch Network

North Macedonia government contemplates prompt coal exit

5 years ago
CEE Bankwatch Network

Irrespective of the size, the EU budget must serve higher climate ambition

5 years ago
CEE Bankwatch Network

Mixed messages in Romania’s energy and climate plan, as new coal projects are shelved but no date set for a coal phase-out

5 years ago
Friends of the Earth Europe

European Parliament okays new energy infrastructure including 55 fossil fuel projects

5 years ago
BirdLife Europe

Press Release - EU cooks the books on climate spending

5 years ago
Health and Environment Alliance

MEPs block EU Commission proposal that would allow toxic lead in recycled PVC

5 years ago
Friends of the Earth Europe

Mark Ruffalo implores EU: no green deal with fracked gas

5 years ago
Health and Environment Alliance

Forever chemicals no more: Belgian premiere of Hollywood movie “Dark Waters” highlights reality of PFAS pollution and the urgency to address it through ambitious regulation

5 years ago

Volatility defines steel markets in 2019; challenges continue into 2020 even as demand stabilises

5 years ago

Green Deal has to work for companies and citizens

5 years ago
Friends of the Earth Europe

EU Commission aims to slash food safety standards for Trump trade deal

5 years ago
Health and Environment Alliance

Environmental health groups celebrate end to EU allowance for banned flame retardant chemicals to enter recycling streams & new products

5 years ago
Friends of the Earth Europe

MEPs fail to reject harmful fossil fuel priority energy projects

5 years ago
Health and Environment Alliance

Transition to a toxic-free circular economy in the carpet industry still a distant reality, despite industry initiative

5 years ago
Friends of the Earth Europe

New EU mechanism to help workers and regions make fossil free shift is not enough

5 years ago

Sustainable Europe Investment Plan should close investment gap

5 years ago