European Green Deal


Aalborg welcomes the 10th edition of the European Sustainable Cities and Towns Conference and calls for continued commitment to the European Green Deal and collective solutions to making it a reality at the local level

2 months ago
European Brands Association

AIM statement on the Council’s adoption of its position on the European Commission’s proposal for a Green Claims Directive

4 months ago
CO2 Value Europe

CO₂ Value Europe welcomes the EU 2040 climate target and the Industrial Carbon Management Strategy

6 months ago
Hydrogen Europe

European Parliament endorses new CO2 Emission Standards for Heavy-Duty Vehicles Regulation

6 months ago
AEGIS Europe

Over 1000 organisations united call on EU Leaders to support the business case for investing in Europe with the European Industrial Deal

6 months ago
European Union Road Federation

Advancing Sustainability under the European Green Deal: CEDR and ERF joint roundtable

7 months ago
International Association for Soaps

Joint statement in reference to “the ban of green claims for products containing hazardous substances” in the Green Claims Substantiation Directive (GCD).

7 months ago
European Brands Association

AIM welcomes the adoption of the European Parliament’s position on the proposed Green Claims Directive

7 months ago
CO2 Value Europe

The Contribution of Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) towards Climate Neutrality in Europe

7 months ago
CO2 Value Europe

CO2 Value Europe Co-signes the Antwerp Declaration

8 months ago
European Brands Association

Enable the Green Transition with a harmonised, reliable and workable framework for Green Claims

8 months ago
European Brands Association

AIM co-signs Joint Statement calling on the European Parliament to adopt a clear, workable and enforceable framework for environmental claims

8 months ago
European Brands Association

Joint industry statement calling for thoughtful and science-based reuse policies in the transport packaging sector

8 months ago
Solar Heat Europe

Delivering the 2040 targets will require a more prominent role of renewable heat sources

9 months ago
European Brands Association

AIM urges EU member states to support Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive compromise agreement

9 months ago
European Brands Association

AIM co-signs joint industry statement on proposed reference to "State-owned Producer Responsibility Organisations" in upcoming packaging legislation

9 months ago