
Transport & Environment

Europe’s shipping emissions back to pre-pandemic high

10 months ago
European Automobile Manufacturers Association

Position paper – Review of CO2 emission standards regulation for heavy-duty vehicles

2 years ago
Transport & Environment

Green shipping would add just 8 cents to a pair of Nikes

2 years ago
Transport & Environment

Methane escaping from ’green’ gas-powered ships fuelling climate crisis – Investigation

2 years ago

Yara International and Azane Fuel Solutions to launch world's first carbon-free bunkering network; delivering green ammonia fuel to the shipping industry

2 years ago
Transport & Environment

Quarter of EU shipping will run on LNG by 2030 locking in fossil fuels for decades

2 years ago
Transport & Environment

Negligible risk of ships evading EU carbon market – study

4 years ago
Transport & Environment

E-fuel would be wasted on cars while it’s badly needed to decarbonise planes and ships – study

4 years ago
Transport & Environment

UN shipping agency greenlights a decade of rising greenhouse gas emissions

4 years ago
Transport & Environment

UN shipping body fails to implement its own greenhouse gas reduction plan

4 years ago
Transport & Environment

EU Parliament tells VdL to make shipping polluters pay

4 years ago
Transport & Environment

EU must act after study shows shipping pollution could increase by half

4 years ago
Transport & Environment

MEPs back CO2 targets and EU carbon market for shipping

4 years ago
Transport & Environment

Top shipping polluter overtakes power plants as coal shuts down

4 years ago
European Association for Storage of Energy

Energy Storage: A Key Enabler for the Decarbonisation of the Transport Sector

5 years ago