
Organic Food Iberia

3 months ago

Inaction by coffee companies threatens the global supply of coffee, farmers’ livelihoods and nature, reveals 2023 Coffee Barometer

10 months ago
WWF European Policy Programme

Cost is becoming an increasing concern - and barrier - for European consumers to access sustainable and healthy food

a year ago
IFOAM Organics Europe

ECO-READY: Developing a European Observatory for short and long-term food and agriculture resilience strategies.

a year ago

ICLEI Europe calls on European Commission to ensure healthy meals are available in all schools

a year ago

ICLEI and 280+ organisations urge strong proposal for EU Sustainable Food Systems Law

a year ago

30th FEFAC Congress in Ystad (Sweden) on Circular feed for sustainable livestock & aquaculture systems

a year ago

Tuna purse seine fleets and associated developing economies swept up in geopolitical storm

a year ago
European Commission

Food security and ecosystem resilience: Commission boosts action on pollinators

2 years ago
European Commission

EU pledges €1 million for landmark WTO Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies

2 years ago
European Environmental Bureau

Revealed: The countries championing and blocking EU food waste action

2 years ago

Facing an energy price boom; a common and urgent European response is key for securing food supplies

2 years ago

EU-wide petition asking for a healthy school meal for every child in every EU school

2 years ago
Colruyt Group

Spar Colruyt Group opens renewed Spar Winterslag on 6 October

2 years ago
Transport & Environment

NGOs to demonstrate in Brussels to demand European lawmakers choose food over fuel

2 years ago
Association Européenne pour l’Information sur le Développement Local

BEATLES: AEIDL to provide policy recommendations to change how EU agri-food systems shift to climate smart

2 years ago