CAN Europe
Western Balkan’s countries peeking into the right direction, but still lagging behind in transforming the energy system, report shows
4 years ago

CEE Bankwatch Network
Shadowy spending of pandemic funds could dash EU hopes for a green recovery
4 years ago
Business confederations call for ratification of the agreement between the European Union and Mercosur
4 years ago

Transport & Environment
EU risks missing 2030 climate target and shifting burden onto the poor, green NGOs warn von der Leyen
4 years ago

SolarPower Europe
Industry-first EPC Best Practice Guidelines set global standard for solar sector
4 years ago

BirdLife Europe
Press release: European Parliament votes to ban lead ammunition
4 years ago
CAN Europe
MEDIA BRIEFING: How can the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) support the fight against climate change?
4 years ago
Transport & Environment
Airline contrails warm the planet twice as much as CO2, EU study finds
4 years ago

Greenpeace European Unit
The European Commission must stop flying into climate crisis
4 years ago
CAN Europe
MEDIA BRIEFING: How can the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) support the fight against climate change?
4 years ago
Securing High-skilled Green Jobs in the Gas Sector is Integral to the Just Transition
4 years ago

Transport & Environment
Plug-in hybrids in new emissions scandal as tests show higher pollution than claimed
4 years ago

SolarPower Europe
Renewable Hydrogen Coalition will position Europe as world-leader on renewable hydrogen
4 years ago
Renewable Hydrogen Coalition will position Europe as world-leader on renewable hydrogen
4 years ago
European Environmental Bureau
Making Europe work again: A blueprint for employment and wellbeing in post-pandemic EU
4 years ago

What happens when wind turbines get old? New Industry Guidance Document for dismantling and decommissioning
4 years ago