
European Biogas Association

New edition of EBA Statistical Report shows sharp 20% increase in European biomethane production in 2021

2 years ago

Off the menu: are gas cooking appliances on their way out?

2 years ago

EU effort sharing could have even greater potential if multi-level, place-based and locally differentiated

2 years ago
European Biogas Association

Cross-border trading of renewable gases will support the decarbonisation of the gas sector in the path towards a climate-neutral Europe

2 years ago
CAN Europe

All eyes on COP27: The EU’s hunger for gas should not lock-in Africa in fossil fuels

2 years ago
European Biogas Association

Biogas and biomethane industries are providing today the cheapest and most scalable renewable gas made in Europe

2 years ago
IEA Bioenergy

Biomethane expansion provides local alternatives for imported gas and synthetic fertiliser

2 years ago
Zero Waste Europe

Waste Incineration disproved as solution for fossil gas dependency, new study finds

2 years ago

European businesses want to source renewables to tackle energy crisis; but emergency measures risk threatening PPA market

2 years ago
European Biogas Association

EBA applauds increased RED ambition but regrets missed opportunity to include biomethane target

2 years ago
Greenpeace European Unit

2035 ban on oil-burning cars too late for 1.5°C climate target

2 years ago
Friends of the Earth Europe

Winter gas plan needs to mark permanent exit from fossil fuels and energy poverty

2 years ago
European Chemical Industry Council

Cefic statement on EU Guidelines for Gas Curtailment

2 years ago
Confederation of European Paper Industry

EU Commission proposals on mandatory reductions risk causing greater uncertainty for industry in case of gas supply disruptions

2 years ago
European Biogas Association

Gas for Climate publishes updated biomethane production potentials for EU Member States, assessing the feasibility of the 35 bcm REPowerEU target for 2030 and providing outlook to 2050

2 years ago
European Automobile Manufacturers Association

2022 Progress Report – Making the transition to zero-emission mobility

2 years ago