E-fuel would be wasted on cars while it’s badly needed to decarbonise planes and ships – study
4 years ago
All new lorries must be emissions-free in the 2030s if the UK is to decarbonise by 2050 - study
4 years ago
Plug-in hybrids in new emissions scandal as tests show higher pollution than claimed
4 years ago
UK’s pledge to stop selling fossil cars from 2030 must now be delivered
4 years ago
Electric cars will treble market share this year as most carmakers on track to meet EU emissions targets - analysis
4 years ago
Electric cars set to treble market share, but UK could run out without new rules
4 years ago
Taxpayers fork out €32bn a year to subsidise polluting company cars
4 years ago
European Parliament votes to end dirty diesel’s licence to pollute
4 years ago
Uber to electrify half its rides in Europe after T&E public appeal
4 years ago
Italian MPs increase incentives for electric cars but open up funds to fossil fuel vehicles
5 years ago
City e-truck charging can cut road freight emissions by a fifth - study
5 years ago
Spanish government opens €230m scrappage scheme to polluting cars
5 years ago
New car CO2 still rising as carmakers push polluting SUVs one year before deadline
5 years ago
California sets world's first sales target for emissions-free trucks
5 years ago
For Uber drivers, EVs are cheaper to run than latest diesels in many European capitals - new cost analysis
5 years ago