Climate.Brussels e-News 17.11.22
EU Green Power Transformation Forum Workshop Underlines Renewable Electrification Potential in Eswatini
The Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE), Business Eswatini (BE) and the Renewable Energy Association of Eswatini (REAESWA) organised the EU Green Power Transformation Forum Workshop on the 9th of November 2022 in Mbabane. The event was held with the support of the European Union (EU) Delegation…

Next steps for protected areas in Europe
Europe’s protected area network is being enhanced. By the end of 2022, Member States are supposed to submit their pledges regarding several targets for the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030, including protected area targets. Hunters are key stakeholders in delivering conservation efforts on Natura 2…

Mobile phone Eco Rating scheme expands to 35 countries
EE, NOS, and Proximus have joined the Eco Rating labelling scheme that was initially launched by Deutsche Telekom, Orange, Telefónica (operating under the O2, Movistar and Vivo brands), Telia Company and Vodafone in May 2021. Proximus launched the scheme early 2022 and EE and NOS will be rolling out…
Turkey’s new climate target does not take the country’s 2053 net-zero goal seriously
Turkey announced at COP27 an updated Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), setting 2038 as an emission peak yearThe new scenario presented as a success translates into increasing today’s greenhouse gas emissions by more than 30% until 2030, by not planning to reduce emissions in absollute terms…
Responding to wildlife poisoning incidents in West Africa to save vultures
Cover photo: illustrative image of a poisoned vultures © Munir ViraniWhile poisoning remains the leading cause of vultures’ rapid decline in Africa, increasing the capacity of conservationists to quickly respond to wildlife poisoning events can make a difference.In the recent past, cases of mass mor…