IRES WEB SUMMIT 2020 Radical system change to renewable energies

Bonn, 27 May 2020 – For the first time in its history, the traditional International Renewable Energy Storage Conference (IRES) took place online as a web summit. Nearly 50 scientists from all over the world presented their latest research results on the storage of renewable energies.
This event marks EUROSOLARs preparations for its next twin conference: the IRES 2021 in Partnerschaft with Energy Storage Europe at Messe Düsseldorf, 16-18 March 2021.
As a welcoming address, Prof. Peter Droege, President of EUROSOLAR e.V., emphasised the crucial importance of energy storage in the struggle against the unfolding climate catastrophe. "Only the unwavering, powerfully resourced and politically embraced switch to renewable energies combined with negative emissions through land use and production transformations offer hope to stabilise our climate. Storage systems as the core of ubiquitously distributed renewable energy resources have taken on central stage in the fight for a stable climate because it enables a rapid switch to renewable energies - the basis for a sustainable economy and society." Prof. Dr. Ingo Stadler, Chairman of the IRES Scientific Committee (ISC), gave reason for hope at the beginning: The Corona crisis shows that political decision makers can take measures of astonishing proportions when they see the effect of their actions. "That's what we have to remind them in the future – that they are capable of taking action when it counts."
In his keynote speech, Prof. Dr. Hans-Martin Henning, Director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE), ISC Chairman from 2021, called for a radical rethink: "The transformation of the energy system towards a complete reduction of greenhouse gas emissions will only succeed if we understand the fundamentally new character of the new system," said Henning. "Fossil energy sources must be completely replaced. This means that their inherent storage capacity must also be replaced. Variable, renewable energy will become the main primary energy source in the future, making not only demand but also supply time-dependent."
In order to manage the change, a complete sector coupling through direct and indirect use of electricity is required. This would require different types of energy storage at different points in the overall system. "This change must be stimulated by suitable market economy framework conditions. Efficient and intelligent control is necessary to ensure that a system is operated and managed safely and reliably."
Researchers from universities, institutions and companies from more than 15 countries presented their results. On Monday, the subject of energy system analysis was covered, as well as case studies, new ideas and thermochemical storage technologies. On Tuesday, thermal energy storage, latent heat storage and electrochemical storage were on the agenda.
Although there were even virtual coffee breaks and a lively exchange was also possible on screen, the participants are already looking forward to the next, physical IRES on site, from 16 to 18 March 2021, in partnership with Energy Storage Europe at Messe Düsseldorf.
Christoph Trimborn
Projektleitung IRES
+ (0)49 228/ 2891446