EU cement industry aims for decisive contribution to biodiversity protection in and around cement quarries
CEMBUREAU, the European Cement Association, released today its 2030 Biodiversity Roadmap which sets a vision for biodiversity in and around quarries over the coming decades. Through this roadmap, CEMBUREAU and its members contribute to the global goal of ‘Nature Positive’ by enhancing the ecological value of quarried areas, protecting, and restoring ecosystems to deliver sustainable growth, in harmony with the natural world.
Koen Coppenholle, CEMBUREAU Chief Executive, said: “The European cement industry is committed to achieving the goals set in the EU Green Deal. In addition to climate change, one of the key priorities of our industry is to protect and preserve the rich ecosystems thriving in and around our quarries and make a strong contribution to biodiversity across the EU.”
The extraction sites of raw materials used in the European cement industry are crucial for biodiversity since they accommodate many different types of ecosystems spread across several different climatic zones within the EU. Quarries are home to a rich variety of species, as many different habitat types are often encountered, with the transitional zones between, offering significant biodiversity interest.
With the 2030 Biodiversity Roadmap, the cement industry’s ambition is to contribute to halting biodiversity loss during the lifecycle of a quarry through rehabilitation processes. Furthermore, going above and beyond legal requirements can ensure that new habitats are created during the rehabilitation process, thereby providing animal and plant life a space where rare and threatened species can further prosper and flourish.
The roadmap outlines key actions and objectives for the industry until 2030, which are grouped into four focus areas, with their own vision, targets and monitoring mechanisms: ecosystem rehabilitation & services; the EU Pollinators initiative; invasive species; and protected species. The aim is to help, guide, and influence companies in managing biodiversity and inspire collaboration between the cement sector and other stakeholders, such as regulators, academia, nature conservation associations, political institutions, and wider society.
The European cement industry is committed to working with all relevant stakeholders and being a key partner of the European Union Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 as well as supporting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal Nº 15 “Life on land”.

CEMBUREAU – The European Cement Association
CEMBUREAU, the European Cement Association is based in Brussels and is the representative organisation of the cement industry in Europe. Currently, its Full Members are the national cement industry associations and cement companies of the European Union (except for Malta and Slovakia) plus Norway, Switzerland and Turkey. Croatia and Serbia are Associate Members of CEMBUREAU. Cooperation agreements have been concluded with Vassiliko Cement in Cyprus and UKRCEMENT in Ukraine.
Click here to view the 2030 Biodiversity Roadmap online.
Click here to view the 2050 Carbon Neutrality Roadmap online.
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