Conclusion of SGI Europe’s project ‘Green Skills in VET’

SGI Europe organized on 5 December 2022 the final conference of its project ‘Green Skills in VET’, co-funded by the European Commission. On this occasion, SGI Europe discussed the main outcomes of the project, which are compiled in the final report (in English) and the political report (in English, French, German, and Spanish). This study was carried out by Fondazione ADAPT as a subcontractor.
Addressing the final conference of the project, Nicolas Schmit, European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Affairs, emphasized that vocational education and training (VET) is exceptionally well placed to prepare learners for future jobs and workers for future and current jobs and that the 2023 European Year of Skills will contribute to showcasing the importance of investing in skills development and skills match for enterprises aspiring to develop their workers’ talents.
The ‘Green Skills in VET’ report provides an overview of key findings and evidence from the project implemented by SGI Europe and the European Federation of Education Employers (EFEE), focusing on the needs of providers of services of general interest operating in the water, energy, and transport sector in the target countries (Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, and Portugal).
SGI providers involved as project partners were Empresa Municipal Mixta d'Aigües de Tarragona (EMATSA), Berliner Wasserbetriebe (BWB), Union Française de l'Electricité (UFE), while the VET providers involved as project partners were MBO Raad and Confederação Nacional de Educação e Formação (CNEF).
After highlighting the specificities and needs of the different sectors and proposing a definition of green skills, the research pointed out how SGI and VET providers can improve their collaboration. From the best practices included in the report, it was also possible to identify how the collaboration between SGI providers and VET providers is strengthened to promote the EU sustainability objectives.
The report offers key policy recommendations to different stakeholders, including the European Commission, the EU Member States, national and European social partners, and VET providers, focusing on promoting the strategic role of VET in meeting the objectives of the EU Green Deal, modernizing skills strategies and training programs, and using social dialogue to boost sustainable development.