Climate Brussels e-News 07.03.22

Good morning,

The Press Club Brussels Europe team is delighted to present you - the new platform for all climate and sustainability related communications in Brussels.

Today, federations, institutions, associations and companies have an important need to inform about their initiatives, projects and progress made towards achieving their sustainabilityand climate goals. was initiated with the support of the Brussels Capital Region to enable you to reach the Brussels based journalists, media and stakeholders while at the same time staying informed about what is happening climate and sustainability related in Brussels.

You can contact us to publish your press releases, position papers and initiatives by phone : 02-201.37.05 and email :

Below is the first e-News with the latest publications on We trust that you will find this additional service by the Press Club Brussels Europe valuableand useful. Your comments and feedback are most welcome!

Best regards,

Laurent Brihay

Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe stands in solidarity with the people in Ukraine and neighboring countries that are affected by the war. While we wish for the de-escalation of the war, we urge all parties to abide by the International Humanitarian Law that protects civilians from the attacks. Peo…
European Parliament EPP Group endorse EU 45% renewable target for 2030
In line with the #Yesto45RES campaign, today the European People’s Party Group in the European Parliament have endorsed a minimum 45% renewables target for the EU for 2030. Markus Pieper MEP, the lead parliamentarian (‘rapporteur’) on the Renewable Energy Directive file, has revised February proposa…
More renewables mean huge investments, so don’t tamper with market rules
The current crisis highlights the need to improve Europe’s energy security. Which means more renewables ASAP. The EU and national governments clearly get this. Germany’s Finance Minister Christian Lindner recently called renewables “freedom energies”. Next week’s EU Commission paper on energy pri…
EU Commissioners Breton and Simson call for scale up of European Solar PV Industry
This week, major solar industry stakeholders gathered in Brussels, under the French EU Presidency, to set out how a renewed European PV industry can address the climate and energy security challenges that the continent is facing. Organised by the French alternative energies and atomic energy commiss…