Climate Brussels e-News 17.05.22

Air Liquide, Toyota and CaetanoBus join forces to accelerate the development of hydrogen mobility in Europe
Air Liquide, CaetanoBus and Toyota Motor Europe have signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the aim of developing integrated hydrogen solutions. This will include infrastructure development and vehicle fleets, to accelerate the expansion of hydrogen mobility for both light and heavy-duty vehicles…
EBA’s new President and Board will lead the expansion of the biogas sector for the next 3 years
The European Biogas Association, representing nearly 8,000 stakeholders across the whole biogas value chain in Europe, has appointed Anders Mathiasson as new President of the association. He will steer the work of the EBA for the period 2022-2025, together with 8 Board Members: Piero Gattoni, Stefan…
Sustainability is not an option, it is needed to remain on the market
In the context of its 2022 General Assembly meeting held in Limassol (Cyprus) on 13 May, FIEC organised a conference on the issue of ‘Sustainable Construction to tackle climate change’. In addition to discussing and exchanging views and best practice on how Sustainability is implemented in a country…
Open letter on REPowerEU: Ensuring the positive contribution of sustainable biofuels to Europe’s energy independence
As the EU prepares to unveil plans for ending imports of Russian fossil fuels and ensuring Europe’s energy independence, a coalition of 20 EU and national associations representing farmers and agri-cooperatives, vegetable oil production, renewable ethanol and biodiesel sectors has sent an open lette…