CEE Bankwatch Network
CEE Bankwatch is the largest network of grassroots, environmental and human rights groups in central and eastern Europe.
17 green groups from central and eastern Europe making int'l public finance.
Boost for Cohesion funding can speed EU recovery with concrete guidance on how to spend it
5 years ago
Uphill battle for Commission to bring Member States in line with new Biodiversity Strategy
5 years ago
Development Finance for Covid-19 Crisis Should Uphold Human Rights
5 years ago
Moment of truth for EU as over one million people and 100 NGOs call for green, healthy and just recovery
5 years ago
Armenia breaks international agreement on biodiversity over gold mine funding, alleges complaint
5 years ago
Legal challenge mounted against subsidies for Belgrade waste incinerator
5 years ago
North Macedonia government contemplates prompt coal exit
5 years ago
Irrespective of the size, the EU budget must serve higher climate ambition
5 years ago
Mixed messages in Romania’s energy and climate plan, as new coal projects are shelved but no date set for a coal phase-out
5 years ago
EU Just Transition Mechanism needs local ownership and concrete steps to decarbonisation
5 years ago