CAN Europe
Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe is Europe's leading NGO coalition fighting dangerous climate change.
MEDIA BRIEFING: How can the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) support the fight against climate change?
4 years ago
Poland and Hungary must live up to EU’s greatest challenges: Unlock the budget and recovery and go for higher climate ambition
4 years ago
It’s time to turn the tide and boost offshore renewable energy in clean and healthy oceans
4 years ago
More offshore renewable energy needed to reach climate neutrality
4 years ago
MEPs fail to exclude fossil gas from the EU recovery fund
4 years ago
Biden wins: a game changer for international climate politics
4 years ago
European Parliament: climate-proof recovery is key to enabling higher climate ambition
4 years ago
Leaked Commission plan fails to bring the Energy Charter Treaty in line with climate commitments
4 years ago
EU environment ministers back bolder climate action by 2030
4 years ago
EU leaders delay agreement on 2030 climate target, but confirm December deadline
4 years ago
The Renovation Wave sets the right direction, but falls short on the needed ambition
4 years ago
EU leaders must raise climate ambition to curb rising costs of global warming to the continent
4 years ago
National Energy and Climate Plans must continuously improve to implement the EU’s enhanced climate target
4 years ago
Investors, businesses, regions, cities, local communities and NGOs call on the EU leaders to agree on the most ambitious 2030 climate target
4 years ago
The European Parliament vote on climate law inches closer to science
4 years ago
Call upon CEE leaders to support climate ambition in European Council
4 years ago