CAN Europe

CAN Europe

Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe is Europe's leading NGO coalition fighting dangerous climate change.
CAN Europe

Western Balkan’s countries peeking into the right direction, but still lagging behind in transforming the energy system, report shows

4 years ago
CAN Europe

MEDIA BRIEFING: How can the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) support the fight against climate change?

4 years ago
CAN Europe

MEDIA BRIEFING: How can the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) support the fight against climate change?

4 years ago
CAN Europe

Poland and Hungary must live up to EU’s greatest challenges: Unlock the budget and recovery and go for higher climate ambition

4 years ago
CAN Europe

It’s time to turn the tide and boost offshore renewable energy in clean and healthy oceans

4 years ago
CAN Europe

More offshore renewable energy needed to reach climate neutrality

4 years ago
CAN Europe

MEPs fail to exclude fossil gas from the EU recovery fund

4 years ago
CAN Europe

Biden wins: a game changer for international climate politics

4 years ago
CAN Europe

European Parliament: climate-proof recovery is key to enabling higher climate ambition

4 years ago
CAN Europe

Leaked Commission plan fails to bring the Energy Charter Treaty in line with climate commitments

4 years ago
CAN Europe

EU environment ministers back bolder climate action by 2030

4 years ago
CAN Europe

EU leaders delay agreement on 2030 climate target, but confirm December deadline

4 years ago
CAN Europe

The Renovation Wave sets the right direction, but falls short on the needed ambition

4 years ago
CAN Europe

EU leaders must raise climate ambition to curb rising costs of global warming to the continent

4 years ago
CAN Europe

National Energy and Climate Plans must continuously improve to implement the EU’s enhanced climate target

4 years ago
CAN Europe

Investors, businesses, regions, cities, local communities and NGOs call on the EU leaders to agree on the most ambitious 2030 climate target

4 years ago