CAN Europe

CAN Europe

Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe is Europe's leading NGO coalition fighting dangerous climate change.
CAN Europe

France is yet another Member State ordered by the Court to step up its climate action

4 years ago
CAN Europe

Czech government to decide on coal exit as EU foreign ministers call for global coal phase out

4 years ago
CAN Europe

EU’s climate and energy diplomacy needs to help implement the Paris Agreement

4 years ago
CAN Europe

Renewables boost has significantly reduced emissions, EEA study shows

4 years ago
CAN Europe

China’s stillborn coal investment in Turkey

4 years ago
CAN Europe

Next year EU legislation needs to look beyond the new 2030 climate target

4 years ago
CAN Europe

Europe does not need fossil gas infrastructure to reach climate neutrality

4 years ago
CAN Europe

EU leaders reach a deal on the enhancement of the EU 2030 climate target

4 years ago
CAN Europe

18 NGOs call on the Coal Platform for the Western Balkans and Ukraine to commit to public participation and climate action

4 years ago
CAN Europe

UN calls for all nations to substantially ramp up their climate goals to stick to the Paris Agreement

4 years ago
CAN Europe

Central and Eastern Europe’s civil society calls on their Governments to back a Paris-proof EU 2030 climate target

4 years ago
CAN Europe

Climate Change Performance Index 2021: EU improves as a whole, but some member states still lag behind

4 years ago
CAN Europe

EU Budget’s regional funding at risk of flying in the face of the European Green Deal

4 years ago
CAN Europe

UK raises the bar on its 2030 climate ambition, a few days before crunch time on the EU 2030 climate target

4 years ago
CAN Europe

Action on energy poverty lacking in the EU, an analysis of 6 national plans reveals

4 years ago
CAN Europe

EU on the right path in emission reductions, but it must pick up the pace towards 2030

4 years ago