BirdLife Europe

BirdLife Europe

BirdLife Europe & Central Asia is a partnership of 48 national conservation organisations and a leader in bird conservation. It is one of the six regional offices of BirdLife International.
BirdLife Europe

Mystery solved – Why some wind turbines stand still

2 months ago
BirdLife Europe

Saving Hal’s Marsh

3 months ago
BirdLife Europe

Breathing life into the blue: Three actions the EU must take for our beloved ocean View more articles tagged as

a year ago
BirdLife Europe

Safeguarding the lifeline of our seas: A call for urgent and coherent action to protect the vital food source of seabirds and marine predators

a year ago
BirdLife Europe

Member States to European Parliament: Europe needs a Nature Restoration Law now!

a year ago
BirdLife Europe

European People’s Party fails with disinformation campaign

a year ago
BirdLife Europe

Alive as a kestrel: An emblem for preventing extinctions

a year ago
BirdLife Europe

New paper underlines risk longline vessels pose to threatened albatrosses

a year ago
BirdLife Europe

Identifying key sites across the Falklands to conserve seabirds View more articles tagged as

a year ago
BirdLife Europe

Lead ammunition finally banned from wetlands across the EU

2 years ago
BirdLife Europe

Spirit of Adventure

2 years ago
BirdLife Europe

Can fisheries co-management help tackle bycatch of vulnerable species?

2 years ago
BirdLife Europe

COP15 aftermath: EU countries show strong support for the Nature Restoration Law

2 years ago
BirdLife Europe

Hallelujah, we have a deal! (Kind of)

2 years ago
BirdLife Europe

Nature CoP15 gavelled to a 3AM happy close with anxieties

2 years ago
BirdLife Europe

We need a radical change in the fishing industry for our fight against the climate and biodiversity crises

2 years ago