ARE welcomes Rebecca Bregant as President & six new Board Members

Brussels, 13 June 2022 - The Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE) held its General Assembly on 8 June 2022. ARE Members elected six new Board Members, with Rebecca Bregant being appointed as the first female President of the Association. After two years of service, Claudio Pedretti ended his tenure as President. Hereby, ARE wishes to convey its thanks and appreciation to the former President and outgoing Board Members: Prosper Magali (Ensol Ltd.), Iain Munro (Ryse Energy), Stephen Wasira (Virunga Power) and Yoann Le Fol (Victron Energy) for their key contributions to ARE.
Rebecca Bregant is the co-founder and Chief Marketing Officer of PineBerry. She has been active in the rural electrification sector in several off-grid organisations since 2016. Besides her entrepreneurial experience, she was also a researcher at the University of Applied Sciences Neu-Ulm. Her academic background includes corporate and intercultural communications, strategic management, and marketing in the same university.
On being elected as ARE President, Rebecca Bregant said:
“I am honoured and delighted by the trust and confidence our Members placed in me. As the new President and Chairwoman of the Board of Directors, I will continue my efforts to serve our Members, our association, and our sector in the best possible way, while eagerly looking towards making ARE even stronger. Stronger in the sense of transparency, inclusion and co-creation, centered around value maximisation for our Members. In my mandate as President of a democratic, member-led association, I am inviting everyone to bring in ideas and actively request the support needed. Let us shape ARE’s journey on the road to clean and affordable energy access together!”
In addition to Board Members continuing their mandate (Claudio Pedretti, GCV; Irene Calvé Saborit, Sunkofa; Rebecca Bregant, PineBerry; Rebecca Sleegers, Africa GreenTec), ARE’s Board is composed of:
· Dario Traverso, CEO, Genius Watter
· Jan Ijspeert, CEO, BAE Batterien
· Nicolas Rohrer, Managing Director, Asantys Systems
· Alexis Rehbinder, Development Manager – Africa/Middle East, GDS International (re-elected)
· Camille Andre-Bataille, CEO, ANKA Madagascar
· Christophe Poline, Sustainable Investments Directors, Schneider Electric
ARE extends its heartfelt congratulations to the new President and Board Members and wishes them a successful term in their new roles.
ARE CEO, David Lecoque said: “We are delighted to welcome the new President and Board Members, and look forward to working together to bolster ARE’s continued scaling up, in order to empower our Members and the wider DRE sector further to deliver on sustainable energy access, green job creation and climate mitigation."
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