September 30th, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, CEM Biofuture Platform Initiative: Decarbonization of the Aviation sector passes from Pittsburgh, with the GCEAF side event Sustainable Aviation Fuel – Taking Off Across The Globe that took place on September 23rd.

Sustainable Aviation Fuels are ready to take off over the next five years, with the SAF demand expected to grow at least 10 times (over the next five years with an upper bound at 40 times) according to IEA's projections. A WWF study in South Africa has shown that SAF production could become a pillar of its low-carbon economy, creating up to 50,000 jobs (WWF 2022).

In the framework of the Global Clean Energy Action Forum | CEM13/MI-7 USA 2022, the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) Biofuture Platform Initiative - together with Mission Possible Partnership, World Economic Forum, Energy Transition Commission, Rocky Mountain Institute, and the Mission Innovation Integrated Biorefinery and Sustainable Aviation Fuel initiatives - organized a high-level Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) side event.


• Featured the public release of the U.S. SAF Grand Challenge Roadmap;
• Brought awareness to the Clean Energy community on importance of aviation decarbonization;
• Showcased industry progress, including planned SAF investments;
• Demonstrated that the SAF industry is truly taking off!


Jim Spaeth, Chair of the Biofuture Initiative stated "It was geat to see the enthusiam and interest from ministers and industry leaders from around the world in the US Grand Challenge Roadmap and future prospects for sustainable aviation fuel. The Biofuture Initiative will be collaborating with our country and industry partners to aggressively pursue a work stream related to carbon accounting, as well as in the ongoing actions in sustainable biomass quantification and governance."

The CLEAN ENERGY MINISTERIAL (CEM) BIOFUTURE PLATFORM INITIATIVE is a 22-country effort leading global actions to accelerate development, scale-up, and deployment of sustainable bio-based alternatives to fossil-based fuels, chemicals, and materials. It is chaired by the U.S. Department of Energy and coordinated by the IEA and it provides a forum for policy dialogue and collaboration among leading countries, organizations, academia, and the private sector.

The CEM BIOFUTURE CAMPAIGN was developed to enable joint work between Governments and Industry to accelerate deployment of bio- and waste-based products and showcase how they can and will benefit society.
The Biofuture Campaign aims to increase the understanding of, and thereby confidence in, the availability of sustainable bio- and waste-based products to substitute for their fossil equivalents and drive meaningful reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.

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