Statement of solidarity with human rights defenders, climate justice advocates, and persecuted civil society organizations in Egypt

We the undersigned organizations advocating for climate justice, understand the importance of peaceful dissent, participation, and advocacy to demand climate action and to ensure the actions taken advance human rights. We stand in solidarity with Egyptian human rights defenders and climate justice advocates, who continue to bravely work for a better future for Egypt and the planet in the face of unrelenting government repression and draconian restrictions.

Prior to and during the recent COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, we learned about the situation of British-Egyptian activist Alaa Abdel Fattah and thousands of others arbitrarily detained in Egypt. During COP, we were honoured to align our efforts with Egyptian activists and others from all over the world to assert that there is “no climate justice without human rights”, as outlined in this petition, which was supported by over 325 organizations. In panels at side events, UNFCCC-approved civil society actions on the COP premises, and on social media we spoke out to demand that the Egyptian government free all those who are arbitrarily detained and ease its stranglehold over independent civil society.

Egyptian authorities responded to our activities at COP27 with acts of intimidation and harassment, as security agents filmed participants in panel discussions and civil society actions, hecklers attempted to disrupt human rights side events, pro-government media and trolls defamed human rights defenders, and the government organized protests condemning advocacy for Egyptian prisoners at COP.

After the end of COP27, Egyptian human rights defenders, many of whom are arbitrarily banned from travel and whose assets are frozen, remain at risk of reprisals by the Egyptian authorities. A looming April 2023 deadline for NGOs to register under the repressive NGO law risks obliterating the remaining independent NGOs in Egypt. The few independent national media outlets are censored and subject to harassment. The Egyptian authorities have arrested and continue to arbitrarily detain scores of people since 25 October in relation to calls for protests during COP27. Alaa Abdel Fattah remains unjustly behind bars amid deep concerns for his physical and mental health, while authorities continue to bar his lawyer and British consular officers from visiting him.

COP27 is over, but we, the under-signed organizations, have not forgotten about our colleagues in Egypt. We will continue monitoring the situation, and pledge to keep up pressure on the Egyptian authorities to release Alaa Abdel Fattah and all those arbitrarily detained. We will respond to any reprisals, and fully support efforts to demand the establishment of a monitoring and reporting mechanism on the human rights situation in Egypt at the UN Human Rights Council.

AbibiNsroma Foundation (ANF)
Alliance for Future Generations – Fiji
Amnesty International
Actions pour la Réinsertion Sociale de la Femme “ARSF”
Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development
Asian- Pacific Resource and Research Centre for Women (ARROW)
Asociación La Ruta del Clima
Association of Women of Southern Europe AFEM
Association For Progressive African Youth AJAP-NIGERIA
Bangladesh Indigenous Women’s Network
Caribbean Youth Climate Council
Center for Biological Diversity
Center for Rights & Democracy (CRD) South Sudan
Centre For Climate Change Action and Advocacy
Centre for Citizens Conserving Environment & Management (CECIC)
Climate Action Network Europe
Climate Action Network France
Climate Action Network International (CAN-I)
Climate Action Network Japan
Climate Action Network UK (CAN-UK)
Climate Action Network Zimbabwe
Climate Clock
Climate Justice Union
Deriba Center for Environmental Studies
Earth Advocacy Youth
Edmund Rice Centre for Justice and Community Education
Education International
Environment and Conservation Organisations of NZ Inc
Federación Nacional de Trabajadores del Agua Potable del Perú
Federation of Community Forest Users Nepal (FECOFUN)
FNV the Netherlands
Förderverein Imece Germany e.V.
Forum for Development and the Environment
Fridays for Future Uganda
Fuerza Mundial Global
Global Focus
Global Forest Coalition
Green Africa Youth Organisation
Green Climate Action
Human Rights Watch
Iceland Nature Conservation Association
Imece France
Indigenous Environmental Network
IndustriALL Global Union
International Trade Union Confederation
Johannes Technology Solution
JOMO Climate Change Initiative
Journalists for Human Rights
Kikandwa Environmental Association (KEA)
Klimadelegation e.V.
Latinas for Climate
Let’s Green The Future Trust
MenEngage Global Alliance
Nepalese Space Research Association
ObbyPress Foundation
Observatório do Clima
Oil Change International
Pacific Islands Climate Action Network
Parents for Climate Aotearoa
PCS Trade Union
Peoples Rising for Climate Justice
Physicians For Social Responsibility Pennsylvania
Powering Young Initiatives
Reaccion Climatica – Bolivia
Resource Lin Foundation
Scientist Rebellion
Smart Youth network initiative
Sociedad Amigos del Viento
Somaliland Help Age Organisation (Somho)
Sustainable Environmental Development (Suswatch Kenya)
TEAL Climate
The POP (Protect Our Planet) Movement
Third Generation Environmentalism (E3G)
Uganda Coalition for Sustainable Development
Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
Unite for Climate Action
Water Justice and Gender
World Peace & Climate Change Diplomatic Organization
You-lean Chad
YOUNGO (civil society constituency of the UNFCCC)
Youth Agro-Marine Development Association (YAMDA)
Youth Association for Development (YAD) Pakistan
Youth for Better Baseco
Youth Sénégal climate change
Youth Sustainable Development Network (YSDN)
Zoba Advisory
ZERO – Associação Sistema Terrestre Sustentável