Repowering the EU with Hydrogen Valleys

It is our pleasure to invite you on behalf of Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, to the event ‘Repowering the EU with Hydrogen Valleys: showcasing innovative solutions’, taking place in-person on 1 March, in Autoworld in Brussels, from 14:00 to 17:00 (CET).

This unique event is organised by DG Research and Innovation of the European Commission, and supported by Hydrogen Europe, Hydrogen Europe Research, and the Clean Hydrogen Partnership. It will bring together the entire community to discuss the central role of Hydrogen Valleys in kick-starting the hydrogen economy at the local level and showcase a wide range of innovative hydrogen solutions.

The event takes place in the context of the REPowerEU and the Green Deal Industrial Plans.

Hydrogen is one of the priority areas where innovative and market ready technologies are needed to accelerate the phasing-out of fossil fuels and to ensure economic and social welfare to EU citizens.

The REPowerEU Plan takes the ambition of the European Green Deal to the next level. An additional EUR 200 million has been allocated for Hydrogen Valleys from REPowerEU which will bring the EU closer to doubling the number of Hydrogen Valleys across Europe.

For Europe to remain a frontrunner in rolling out Hydrogen Valleys, the European hydrogen industry, scientific community, and European regions, together with the European Commission need to step up and accelerate joint actions.

For more information and to register, please click here. - Please note that this registration is open until 21/02/2023 (Tuesday) 12:00 CET.

For any questions please don’t hesitate to contact