New LULUCF targets require growth in forests and efforts from all land use sectors

The revised LULUCF regulation has been formally adopted by the European Parliament. The adopted legislation includes a target requiring a carbon sink of 310 million tonnes CO2 in the EU. Sweden is expected to deliver the Union’s largest carbon sink.

“The Swedish target of 4 million tonnes increased carbon sink in 2030 is challenging but achievable. To reach it we must combine growth and other measures in forestry with efforts from other sectors in the economy”, says Viveka Beckeman, Director General for the Swedish Forest Industries Federation.

Forest-based products and energy are important to reach climate neutrality in the EU and other climate goals set in the Fit for 55 package.

“Growth measures in forests will ensure the carbon sink is maintained even after 2030. More importantly, it will allow us to keep reducing fossil emissions by replacing fossil-based products with renewable ones”, says Viveka Beckeman.

“We urge the Commission to carefully consult each Member State when drafting LULUCF targets from 2031 onward. It is essential that targets for carbon sinks are knowledge based. Member States have that knowledge”, concludes Viveka Beckeman.

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The Swedish Forest Industries Federation represents paper-, pulp- and woodworking industry.  Aimed at driving growth in the world´s bioeconomy, our mission is to bolster companies' competitiveness and promote the increased use of forest-based products. Our activities include Swedish wood and the BioInnovation secretariat.