Renewable Earth Decade Group demands: Rapid renewable Energy, Efficiency and Storage Mobilization Now – instead of fossil and nuclear capitulation

EUROSOLAR demands a new narrative of the EU and its Member States.

Germany and all other EU states are challenged to confront Russia and other resource warmongers with a clear and unequivocal message. They have to say: Mr. Putin, we now push renewables first and faster than some of us were committed before your war. We now turn our back to all fossil and nuclear energies, and at a pace that will stun you.

With this narrative and implemented agenda there will be more endurance, more resilience and more prosperity across Europe and the world. By promoting the dead-end narrative of gas and oil replacement, and nuclear and coal ‘alternatives’, we only increase insecurity.

There is no energy shortage: global heating shows that there is – if anything – too much sun energy in the system: tens of thousands times of what is commercially harvestable and needed.

EUROSOLAR developed, a ten point program for rapid regenerative resource mobilization.

EUROSOLAR presents the IRES – its 16th Renewable Energy Storage (and Systems) Conference with decarbXpo, the Decarbonized Industries Exhibition at Messe Düsseldorf, 20-22 September.

And EUROSOLAR celebrates its European Solar Prize 2021-22, while calling for 2023 entries: living examples of the renewable Age.

Renewables, Efficiency, Sufficiency and Energy Storage are the answers to aggression and climate cataclysm.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has shown the fragility of the global fossil energy and economic system. The worst of global energy crisis looms, Germany and other EU countries are challenged to open their eyes and act now.

EUROSOLAR’s Working Group is an open association of members of the organization’s management board, national section boards, the Board of Trustees, and the European Solar Prize jury. The Regenerative Decade was adopted as initiative in January 2020.