Climate Brussels e-News 26.04.22

How do communities all over Europe benefit from having a wind farm nearby?
On 14 April WindEurope CEO Giles Dickson spoke at the Mix.e event in Lyon, France. The discussion centred around the energy transition and its acceptability. The wind industry actively engages communities around Europe closely when it builds new wind farms, including in France. It is important these…
Our use of sand brings us “up against the wall”, says UNEP report
Strategic recognition for sand and actions across sectors needed, report urgesSand is the world’s second most exploited resource and must be wisely managedLegal changes, recycled building material, crushed rock and ‘ore-sand’ from mining, among solutions.Geneva, 26 April 2022 – 50 billion tons: enou…
The great detox – largest ever ban of toxic chemicals announced by EU
Thousands of the most notorious chemicals will be rapidly banned in Europe, the European Commission announced today, as part of the Zero-pollution goal in the EU Green Deal. The European Environmental Bureau (EEB) welcomed the move.If implemented, the action will be the largest ever regulatory remov…