Online EREF Press Briefing

Monday, 5 Sep, 10h30 CET

"Brief assessment of more ambitious 2030 targets for renewables and energy efficiency"

Dear editors and journalists,

We hereby cordially invite you to our online press briefing on Monday, 5 September 2022, at 10h30 CET (Zoom link below), during which we introduce our brief Study on 2030 Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Targets in the European Union developed by the Technische Universität Wien (TU Wien), with input provided by the European Renewable Energies Federation (EREF).

Please find the study and its Executive Summary below.

The study assesses scenarios of higher 2030 EU targets for the combination of renewables with energy efficiency measures, demonstrating their feasibility and impact on national target levels. It further issues recommendations on what decision-makers can do in the short and medium term to boost the development of renewable energy at a much larger scale as a tool to reduce Europe’s resource dependency and to mitigate global warming.

Despite the need for significant investments in renewable energy generation to achieve such a stronger uptake in renewables, appropriate policy design for renewables could keep investment costs low. In addition, significant savings could be expected both in terms of CO2 emission, other GHG emissions and fossil fuel avoidance, specifically in times of high energy prices. The avoidance of fossil fuels would thus have a strong positive impact on Europe’s energy supply security.

The publication of our study provides new information and arguments into the ongoing debate on high energy prices. It is in time for the ongoing legislation processes at national and EU level. This includes the legal and policy reform under the Green Deal and Fit-for-55 initiatives, with emphasis on the revision and implementation of the Renewable Energy and the Energy Efficiency Directives, as well as the measures issued to guarantee Europe’s energy security in the context of the REPowerEU initiative.

The link for the Zoom webinar is:

If you join per telephone, please find local phone numbers under the following link: Meeting-ID: 830 4708 5522; code: 178270

Webinar agenda
10h30 Welcome and setting the scene, Dirk Hendricks (EREF)
10h35 Presentation of the study results, lead author Gustav Resch (TU Wien)
10h50 Q & A on the various scenarios and study results
11h05 Short- and mid-term actions to boost renewable energy development, Dörte Fouquet (EREF)
11h15 Question & answers on recommendations
11h30 End of webinar

We look forward to welcoming you soon.

With best wishes,

Dirk Hendricks
Secretary General

Avenue Marnix 281000

Brussels Phone:  +32 2 204 44 20
Mobile: +32 473 221 564