Cities implementing the Local Green Deals are invited to fill in a survey about their experience

The Intelligent Cities Challenge (ICC) initiative, in which ICLEI is involved, would like to better understand and identify ways to support the implementation of Local Green Deals (LGDs). In order to do so, it has launched a survey that focuses on the activities that cities are already implementing, as well as the challenges they are facing and the benefits they are getting during the implementation. The results will inform the upcoming ICC activities, including two webinars to take place in autumn, updating the LGD blueprint and the development of a political guide on LGDs.

The ICC is a European Commission initiative that supports 136 cities in using cutting-edge technologies to lead the intelligent, green, and socially responsible recovery. The ICC cities and their local ecosystems will be engines for the recovery of their local economy, create new jobs, and strengthen citizen participation and wellbeing. The LGD is an approach to accelerate transformation towards sustainability at the local level. This approach has the following key elements:

  1. Governance: creating new integrated governance and management structures, both within local government and regarding how to collaborate with stakeholders
  2. Action: strengthening and accelerating actions for sustainable development and the implementation of existing policies
  3. Integrated goals: assessing strategies and policies to ensure alignment of targets, local plans, partnerships, funding, and initiatives across departments and policy domains to ensure climate-neutrality and sustainability are implemented in a coherent way
  4. Partnerships: strengthening coordination and collaboration between diverse stakeholders and getting their commitment to deliver their own contributions

The short survey should take no more than 15 minutes to complete. Participants will also be asked to describe their concrete actions, if they have developed any written documents like a roadmap or programme that could be useful for their peers, or any concrete agreements reached with stakeholders.